Friday, July 4, 2008


HALOS ALL,today i would like to share with you subject called netiquette. Think, what are the 2 ways you can show netiquette in cyber space. TINK! i got one. You must be polite at all times and do not use vulgarities.Why do you think this is important?
well very easily, i think this is very important so that you will not get into fights or trouble cause some people are easily offended. especially when you don't know the person in cyber space

Some people don't understand the importance of netiquette. They just throw vulgarities at people and the other party gets offended and here it comes to endless trouble.... anyway i would like to advise all my friends to be careful when on communicating on cyber space and do not take strangers words lightly.. GOOD BYE and REMEMBER , WHEN YOU ARE USING anything, REMEMBER NETIQUETTE! hehe biies a

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